New Construction

New construction is an extremely rewarding process. We have the opportunity to bring to life everything you have ever dreamed of. The candidness and professionalism of our team will help to prioritize what facets of your build are most important to you. We are firm believers in elaborating a way to fulfill your every desire. Big or small, its incredibly important to know exactly what you want and not to skimp in areas that you will be disappointed in later. This is our chance! Our chance to get it right and have you satisfied for years to come. Our team uses high quality products that last longer, look better and are ultimately better long term solutions to achieving a lasting finish. Let Old Hickory Designs be your guide in making this process a seamless and enjoyable experience you will be happy to endure for many future projects.


It is extremely important to us to pay attention to the details. Sometimes the design calls for a very specific step pattern, but often a random step pattern will look more natural. However, screw placement should be consistent and mathematical. It can make beautiful materials look messy and unprofessional if you don’t execute precisely, and that is unacceptable. The simple attention to detail can make or break a projects success.


At Old Hickory Designs we are known for over-building almost everything. We believe that our construction will perform longer with this method in mind. Very rarely is it wasteful to use a little extra lumber, a few extra screws, or a couple more coasts of sealant. In the end, it helps to protect your investment more effectively. The piece of mind of knowing you’re safe and secure is the most important objective to Old Hickory Designs.